Sunday, May 29, 2011

Technological Advancements

  • The nets
  • The desks
  • The game - Battle room
  • Giants Drink
  • freezing guns
  • locker with thumb print
  • school in space
  • space suits
  • space ships
  • lights on the path
  • monitor
  • simulators
  • Laser guns
  • simulated gravity
1. Do you think that the story presents technological advance as being positive or negative?
I think that the story represents the technological advances as being both positive and negative. There are aspects that are positive such as the desks and locker with thumb print access. These show how the technological advancements can make life easier. The are also aspects that are negative such as school in space, the net and the virtual reality gaming. These examples are negative because the school is like an extended boarding school and harder to communicate, the net releases information that can be used against people and others and the virtual reality gaming becoming a main part of someones life and preventing the ability to tell reality from virtual. 

2. What part do humans play in this advancement of technology? Do they drive the advancement or are the victims?
Humans play an important role in the advancement of technology because majority is made and tested by them. They are not just driving the advancement but also fall victim to it because with the great technology people and other races want it. They however are not the only ones to drive the technology in the book as the Buggers are a race that have been fighting with the humans and bring new weapons. From this aspect the humans fall victim to them.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ender Game Characterisation - Chapter 7

Story based Conclusions on Ender from Chapters 1-7 Notes
  • Ender adds to the story a sense, of sensitivity because he is super sensitive.
  • The story would change because if there was no Ender or a character with less sensitivity the story would change into a story about
  • The bullies wouldn’t be needed in the story
  • If Ender wasn’t in the story then we wouldn’t have a theme, main character or have any point of the ideas of buggers, battle school and command school
  • There is pressure on him, he gets bullied everywhere he goes and is always the one put out
  • Maybe its not they great to be the chosen one because he would get bullied and have to be isolated
  • The idea of being exploited for being the chosen one
  • The story would become more about the Buggers rather than the boy himself. Ender is one of the only characters that is super sensitive. 
  • We have a story based around the chosen one.
  • Main characters need to be smart and sensitive in order for a story to be more interesting and people being feeling sympathy for Ender and his struggle throw

The character of Ender is needed in the story in order to have the element of sensitivity and sympathy. The story needs sensitivity to have the bullies play such a big role in the development and growth of Ender as a person and the key cliche of overcoming adversity to beat the fact that he is the chosen one. The story would change dramatically because he is needed to beat the Buggers and there would be no emphasis on the family burden and there would be less of the government.

Enders Game Quiz Chapters 1-7

  1. What person is the narrative told in?
The story is written in the thrid person
  1. What is a 'Third'?
The 'Third' refers to the fact that Ender is the third born child in his family and it is seen socially wrong to have a third child.
  1. What game does Peter want to play with Ender?
Buggers and Astonaunts
  1. What are two reasons why Ender doesn't want to go to battle school?
He will miss Val and the way that Peter will react to the situation
  1. What type of irony is used when the audience knows more than the characters?
  2. How does Graff treat Ender when he first gets to battle school?
He treats him better than everyone else and tries to get him isolated.
  1. Who is Ender's room leader at battle school?
  1. What happens when Ender goes to the games room for the first time?
He gets picked on by the other kids for being favorite of the leaders
  1. Who is Bernard and what is Ender's relationship to him?
Bernard is Ender's room leader and he has a bad relationship to Ender because Ender sees him as a bully.
  1. What role is Alai voted in to? What role does he now play for the group?
Alai is voted into the role of leader of the group.
  1. What mistake does Ender make immediately upon joining Salamander Army?
    What happens to Ender in the battle against Condor that gets him recognition?

    Ender is forced to join the Salamander Army because they think he is the chosen one however is told to do nothing and learn nothing by his leader. In the battle against Condor he does nothing and is given a perfect score.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Analyzing Ender's Game - Ender

  • "It set her apart, made her different, split the army." page 82
This means that the army as a whole is separated and not united which is strong which refers to Ender became 'her' is Petra and by being friends and following her he is increasing the distance between the army. Petra is separating the army and by following her he is contributing to this.
  • "It's Wiggin. You know, that smartass Launchie from the game room." page 82
This shows how Ender relates to the other characters being a weaker than them and 'bellow' them. It also shows that he is in the minority being from the 'Launchies' and being give a negative label 'smart ass'.
  • "the adults are the enemies, not the other armies. They do not tell us the truth." page 83
This quote shows the reaction of the students towards adults saying that they are in power because they are pinning each of them against each other and the fact that they are lying to them/ telling them everything.
  • "Ender's anger was cold, and he could use it. Bonzo's was hot, so it used him." page 88
This shows the attitude of Ender both as a person and towards his leader 'Bonzo'. It refers to his anger being based around real meaning and from suffering which is much stronger then hate that is hot which is perceived as being from nieve and arrogant as well as being a bully.
  • "If you want, I'll pretend you won this argument. Then tomorrow you can tell me you changed your mind." page 88

This is illustrating the beginning of a link between Ender and the people around him because the people who have power over him are beginning to not lead rather than rule. The person is also trying to reunite everyone by showing the power of a recruit and that they don't always lose.

Chapter Conclusion
From these scenes we see how that there is lies and power. This chapter is important to the story because it begins to illustrate the power of some and the lies that result from power.These scenes tie in the link between the minority and separation through the friendship of Ender and Petra. It also shows that being in the minority will result in bullying and not being accepted.  There is a big step as well because Ender slowly becomes to more accepted towards the end.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


What are the important elements of characterization?

  • There are three main points
    • How the character looks
    • How the character acts
    • How do other characters react to the character
  • During characterization there is a protagonist which is the main character
  • Thoughts of the character
  • Understanding of what they do
  • Personality
  • Goals, Objectives and Wants
  • Self beliefs
  • Literal --> objective 
Why is characterization important?
  • Characterization is important because...
    • It helps to set the story
    • introduces different characteristics
    • helps to build a story
    • make sense of story
    • Understanding a character
    • Make connections with the character
    • More interesting 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Chapter 1 and 2 Key Info

Key info
  • 2 people discussing Ender
  • apocalypse
  • Peter
  • Monitor
  • Valentine
  • Ender
  • Third
  • Government strong
  • Buggers
  • Astronauts
Chapter 1
  • Meet Ender
  • monitor
  • Third child
  • two soldiers talk about Ender
  • Bullying --> Stilson
Chapter 2
  • Ender's siblings
  • Buggers in Game
  • Bullying --> Peter
  • Peter loves Ender
  • Peter --> Government

Chapter 2 Peter

  1. (9) Who are speaking at the beginning of the chapter again?
The same people from the first chapter, the un-named characters that talk about ender.
  1. From what these voices say what can we speculate the ‘monitor’ allowed these people to do with Ender?
The monitor allows them to see as Ender sees and watch over him.
  1. How do the soldiers react to Ender attacking the bully?
The soldiers agree with the way Ender reacted to attacking the bully.
  1. What effect do the soldiers admit that they had on Ender’s brother Peter?
They say that he might get jealous because of the fact that they did the same thing to Peter but spent more attention and time on Ender.
  1. What voice do we switch into when the soldiers section of the text is through?
We switch to Enders family and there view on the situation
  1. (10) What is Ender’s sister’s name and what is implied by her name?
Her name is Valentine and implies that see is someone who Ender likes and that she is kind.
  1. What are the two sides of Peter?
The two sides of Peter are the jealous, aggressive side which wants to hurt Ender and the calm, considerate side which is sorry to Ender.
  1. (11) What do we learn about the greater world from the description of the game that Peter forces Ender to play called Buggers vs. Astronauts?
The Buggers were real and fought in real wars and were perceived as the 'Aliens'. The game was based around the control of the Astronauts but in the real wars were controlled by both sides, entering and exiting battles at different times.
  1. (13) What information does Valentine have that she uses to keep Peter under control?
She uses the information that Peter wants to be a politician or in politics and if he wants to be in politics he must not have any flaws like the suspicious disappearance of his brother and sister.
  1. (15) Who tells the Wiggins to have 3 children? What does this tell us about the power of the government?
The government tells the Wiggins to have 3 children because they wanted a mix of Valentine and Peter, smart and strong. This shows that the government had the power to control peoples lives and are above the law.
  1. What does Ender do at the end of the chapter? What emotional state is he in? Why?
At the end of the chapter Ender cries and is in the emotional state confusion. This is because he is unsure of what to do and what is happening to him, also his brother who is normally cruel says sorry and is nice to him.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Ender's Game Chapter 1 Questions

  1. What can you tell about the story through the use of two different fonts?
    • That there are two sides to the story through the use of two different fonts.
  2. What person is the narrative told in?
    • The book is in third person because it is saying that ender did this and ender did that.
  3. What is the goal of the speakers at the start of the book?
    • The goal of the speakers at the start of the book is to remove the 'monitor' and discuss enders results.
  4. What are they watching and what do they decide about their subject? What type of irony is used by the audience having more information than the main character?
    • They decide to recruit him. They are controlling him on puppet strings. It is dramatic irony.
  5. What is interesting about the surname of the title character? What does it say about his role in the story?
    • The surname is the same as the title of the book and that it is mainly based around his game or a game he plays.
  6. What perspective is the narration for the other section of the opening chapter (not the starting bit)?
    • The narration in the opening chapter is looking at a boy called Ender and his life before he got a 'monitor' put in and what he thinks will happen.
  7. “Sometimes lies were more dependable than the truth.” (2) What is a possible central theme of the book?
    • The possible central theme of the book could be based on lies and betrayal. 
  8. What does the title ‘Monitor’ represent to the other boys?
    • It represents him as being someone to not be friends with because he is being watched by people.
  9. (5) What connotations does Ender being a ‘third’ have ?
    • Ender was the third child born in his family and there is a restriction on how many children you can have so, he has to pay to go to school and he is disrespected and bullied by other people.
  10. What does Ender know about his intelligence in regards to the other boys?
    • Ender realies that he is a lot smarter and more intelligent than the other boys and notices that he can use it to his advantage.
  11. (7) What does Ender do to the bullies?
    • He beats up the leader of the gang of bullies and makes him go to hospital.
  12. (8) While Ender seems emotionally stable on the exterior how would you describe his emotional state on the inside?
    • He is very fragile and just wants a friend. Also he is weak on the inside and just wants his brother to like him.
  13. How has the perspective of the narration changed in this statement: ‘I am just like Peter. Take my monitor away; and I am just like Peter.’ What does this imply about Peter?
    • Peter doesn't like Ender because he had his monitor on longer than him and he hates him being better than him. Also that he is mean and cruel.

Science Ficition Genre

Science Fiction Genre

  1. Science Fiction is such a diverse genre and therefore there are many different definitions and different origins of science fiction. Some believe that science fiction came from scientists trying to explain the universe and different occurrences that happen and developed from scientific research and different fiction stories. The scientific part of it began during the Scientific Revelation from Galileo and Newton whilst trying to explain physics, astronomy and mathematics. From this people began trying to explain what they didn’t know, some very far fetched. Others believe that it originated with the book ‘Frankenstein’.
    • Science ­Fiction can be broken up into several different sub-categories including History, Language, Military, Parallel worlds/universes, types of beings, the future, sci-fi horror, technology, etc.
    • History is within Science Fiction and often comes up. There can be alternate historical themes such as history that has diverged from the actual history of the world. This can involve time being split and running into two universe, ‘cross-time’, or ‘time splitting’. They add to science fiction novels by adding history and known facts then twisting them. Language is a sub-category that is seen in most sci-fi books that contain aliens or developments in species. Language can be portrayed as an alien dialect, an international language, universal translator, etc. This appears often because it is a source that fits in with the science fiction genre and is almost always in a novel. The next sub-category is Military, which occurs a lot in science fiction books because they normally contain alien invasions. It includes reference to military ranks, strategy and weapons. An example of each is different military promotions such as private, a strategy including invasion of an alien world and a futuristic weapon such as a ray gun. Parallel universes are a ‘different’ sub-category because it is hard to get a grip on. The idea has to be kept simple so people can understand it and so it would make sense. A parallel universe example is like a world that the only opposite is that the toss of a coin outcome is different. In one when a coin is tossed heads comes up and the other tails and vice verse. The different types of beings are important in the characterisation and are important in a good novel. They need to be relevant and fit the story otherwise the story is boring and jumbled. Aliens, androids, mutants, etc. are examples of different beings associated with science fiction. The most common sub category in sci-fi is the future. It is a major category because many science fiction novels develop from future themes because they are more advanced and developed therefore beginning able to relate to discover of currently unknown things such as aliens. Sci-fi horror is also a category that forms the basis of a sci-fi story. The horror comes into it through different means such as death, torture, aliens, destruction, etc. and is vital in a sci-fi story because it makes it more relatable and realistic. Technology falls under a lot of the sub-category but is a rather wide and general category in sci-fi. A lot of the complications are caused by technology either failing or altering something that it should of and is pretty important in a sci-fi novel. An example is a portal that transports to the wrong place.
    • Therefore, there are many different categories that make up sci-fi and the base structure of sci-fi genre. There are many more but the main ones are History, Language, Military, Parallel worlds/universes, types of beings, the future, sci-fi horror and technology.
  3. The convections of the sci-fi genre were historically focused mainly on creative writing, but the purview of many expands to such other boulevards of expression as movies and television, comics, animation, and games. They are based on the many common genres that sci-fi is based on such as science genre, fantasy genre and horror genre. The science genre is the beliefs in the extraterrestrial and the belief of life on other plants. The different technology and futuristic advancements as well as the views of the future are all within the science genre. The fantasy genre is important in the sci-fi convections because many of the key theme within the fantasy genre are ‘borrowed’ such as the ability to create any story based on ones interpretations of there ideas. An example is that aliens would invade earth, which is ones own opinion on a common idea and then a resolution to that problem such as a saviour defeating them, which is ones ‘fantasy’. The last genre in which ideas are received from is the horror genre, which is portrayed through many things including death, disaster, vicious acts and suffering. Therefore, from these three genres different convections could be made. The examples are extracted then combined to create the sci-fi themed story. Then the stories lead to television shows and movies.