Monday, May 9, 2011

Ender's Game Chapter 1 Questions

  1. What can you tell about the story through the use of two different fonts?
    • That there are two sides to the story through the use of two different fonts.
  2. What person is the narrative told in?
    • The book is in third person because it is saying that ender did this and ender did that.
  3. What is the goal of the speakers at the start of the book?
    • The goal of the speakers at the start of the book is to remove the 'monitor' and discuss enders results.
  4. What are they watching and what do they decide about their subject? What type of irony is used by the audience having more information than the main character?
    • They decide to recruit him. They are controlling him on puppet strings. It is dramatic irony.
  5. What is interesting about the surname of the title character? What does it say about his role in the story?
    • The surname is the same as the title of the book and that it is mainly based around his game or a game he plays.
  6. What perspective is the narration for the other section of the opening chapter (not the starting bit)?
    • The narration in the opening chapter is looking at a boy called Ender and his life before he got a 'monitor' put in and what he thinks will happen.
  7. “Sometimes lies were more dependable than the truth.” (2) What is a possible central theme of the book?
    • The possible central theme of the book could be based on lies and betrayal. 
  8. What does the title ‘Monitor’ represent to the other boys?
    • It represents him as being someone to not be friends with because he is being watched by people.
  9. (5) What connotations does Ender being a ‘third’ have ?
    • Ender was the third child born in his family and there is a restriction on how many children you can have so, he has to pay to go to school and he is disrespected and bullied by other people.
  10. What does Ender know about his intelligence in regards to the other boys?
    • Ender realies that he is a lot smarter and more intelligent than the other boys and notices that he can use it to his advantage.
  11. (7) What does Ender do to the bullies?
    • He beats up the leader of the gang of bullies and makes him go to hospital.
  12. (8) While Ender seems emotionally stable on the exterior how would you describe his emotional state on the inside?
    • He is very fragile and just wants a friend. Also he is weak on the inside and just wants his brother to like him.
  13. How has the perspective of the narration changed in this statement: ‘I am just like Peter. Take my monitor away; and I am just like Peter.’ What does this imply about Peter?
    • Peter doesn't like Ender because he had his monitor on longer than him and he hates him being better than him. Also that he is mean and cruel.

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