Thursday, November 24, 2011


  1. “CNNNN” was a satirical programme by The Chaser which parodied the 24hour news channels. Imagine that the programme was to be resurrected. Consider ONE current news topic (within the last month) and write the script which the newsreader would give from behind the desk. Include at least one live cross to a reporter “on the spot”. You do not have to read out the segment, but as a guide to required length it should last for 1.5 – 2 minutes when read. (15 marks)
It seems that once again, Julia Gillard has been spotted sticking her big nose into boats ONCE AGAIN, with the PM trying to formulate a plan with Malaysian gov’t to send the ‘terrorists’ packing. These malicious weapons that they are holding against Australia are indeed a great threat to our national security. Let me put this in perspective for you: how often have you been held up against your own will and been forced to hand over your valuable job for the evil, menacing, hard-working boat people. It’s un-Australian in Ms Gillard’s eyes. Now we cross live to our field reporter, Oliver, who is at the detention centre in Malaysia. Oliver are you there?

Yes, hello there, I am standing outside a detention centre in Malaysia were the malicious boat people are plotting their methods of wicked proportions. Clear this young boy is preparing to overrun Australian boys and take over Australia. These people have been banished to a detention centre to ‘think about what they have done’ like disobedient school children. I mean the sinister act of leaving their home country to seek refuge in Australia is mindboggling. Near death, starvation and endless struggles is obviously a crime, or so in Julia Gillard’s eyes. We will cross back to you in the studio.

Now this detriment to the Australian society has been short lived by the recommitment by the Malaysia government and that they no-longer want to play the malevolent deputy in Australia’s school yard games. Julia Gillard’s response to this is to start a-learn-to-swim program for all the refugees. This would help the situation immensely because now they can swim back to where they’ve come from and limit the amount of boat related deaths because of shabby boats. She as appropriately named the motto ‘Swim to a better freedom’

(Video of Julia Gillard) ‘Once they have learnt to swim, they are no-longer Australians problem’
We now cross back to Oliver who is with the public to find out their opinion on the matter. Oliver, what’s the public’s opinion?

Well the public thinks that this situation is getting out of control and that Julia Gillard is clearly having an Orangutan response. She needs to think of a better way that letting to refugee’s drown in the ocean

(Person 1) – Is she really thinking about doing this to people? I want the weird speedo guy as our Prime Minister now…

(Person 2) – I can’t believe that she would be so heartless so all of the people in Australia. This is our country!

Well from the looks of this, the general public very against Julia Gillard and her views. Let your view be heard on her learn-to-swim initiative website at
  1. Write a satirical poem about school life.  A poem of up  to 12 lines is worth 10 marks; a poem up to 20 lines is worth 15 mark.
    • Left, Right, Left
    • As the boys march in lines
    • Like soldiers
    • with blank looks on there face
    • the sun shines past the gates
    • but dark gloom shadows swarm the school.
    • with neutral tone of the same bell
    • commands even the strongest willed people
    • from there great discovers of technology
    • shut down by the monotone sound
    • 'what a great experience you have'
    • is a common thought by those who see from a far
    • but why does the school feel of jail
    • by the Gothic fences
    • repetition of rules
    • or is it the laptops
    • and the way they consume our life
    • our world revolves around them
    • and perishes as they go
    • the blue screan of death
    • is only a fear of 

  1. Write a submission as to why your favourite satirical television show should be shown to the class. Your submission should include a brief synopsis of the plot, and a listing of all the elements of society which are parodied in the episode, as well as a listing, with examples, of techniques used. If your submission is chosen (assuming the programme is of a suitable censorship rating and is available on DVD or on-line) we will watch it together in class. (5 marks)
  2. Design a worksheet, suitable for Year 9 students, which could be completed after viewing your suggested programme. It must have at least 5 short answer/multiple choice questions; 2 questions which require 3-4 sentence responses; a research question (such as the history of satire in English literature) which requires at least a paragraph response.  (5 marks)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Analysis of Satirical Cartoons

  1. What is the event or issue that inspired the cartoon? The event or issues that are being inspired in the cartoon is the deferring from freedom to more control by the government.
  2. Are there any real known personalities depicted in the cartoon? Even if this is not the case, what type of person is being depicted? The personalities of the people in the cartoon are that of the people (from the man in black) and the government or authority figure (the man in white)
  3. Are there symbols and/or signifiers in the cartoon? What are they and what do you think they represent? They represent the taking of freedom by power figures to control people more and from an earlier age
  4. What do you think the cartoonist's opinion is about the topic? Do you think it is his alone or expresses the view of the publisher too? Why? I think it expresses the views of many not only the author because it is an issue within today's society being the motivation to only create more rules rather than make things more free
  5. Do you agree with the cartoonist's opinion? Why?? I do agree because people are being forced to abide by more rules as more power figures are introduced into the government.

  1. What is the event or issue that inspired the cartoon? The introduction of the Stimulus Package.
  2. Are there any real known personalities depicted in the cartoon? Even if this is not the case, what type of person is being depicted? There is the republicans portrayed through the elephant and the idealist seen through the donkey/mule
  3. Are there symbols and/or signifiers in the cartoon? What are they and what do you think they represent? They represent the forcing of the stimulus package 'down peoples throat' and trying to force people to go along with it rather than being an obstructionist.
  4. What do you think the cartoonist's opinion is about the topic? Do you think it is his alone or expresses the view of the publisher too? Why? The view of the cartoonist is that they are trying to force the stimulus package into the society and that they are trying to force people to agree with it. I think it expresses many peoples opinion on the topic.
  5. Do you agree with the cartoonist's opinion? Why?? I do agree with this cartoon because for my amateur knowledge on the topic i know that the stimulus package is trying to be passed and is portrayed in a way that is forceful

Monday, November 14, 2011

Satirical Cartoons

 Text Number
 Why It Made You Laugh
 Techniques Utilized
 It made me laugh because it shows the juxtaposition between the socialism of the American Society (portrayed through Bart Simpson) and the Communism of the Russian (through the anti-capitalist). Also it  shows the revolutionist, that is portrayed on so many shirts as an idol, wearing what is portrayed as his idol through Bart Simpson
 Incongruity, Reversal
 It made me laugh because it shows the pressure of school and that it is beginning to start at a early stage such as preparatory school. it also shows that the happiness of kids comes through there parents and teachers approval seen through the facial expressions of the Kids with A, B, C digressing in happiness respectively
 Parody, Exaggeration 
 It made me laugh because the man who is protesting the right to freedom by saying they are born free but than end up in chains, however the authority shows the decline in freedom over time from power figures as well as showing the goal of 'being born in chains'. It is an exaggeration of power within this society and the limit of freedom
 This made me laugh because its is a response to the idea of politics within this 21st Century society. it is an exaggeration of the idea of politics and the strain for people to think about it. It also shows the ability of the current culture to invent new diseases and disorders with easy.
 Parody, exaggeration
 It made me laugh because it shows the problems with the American government and armies because even though they are the evil, dangerous and menacing figure within their world and society, they blame others for them being more evil. It is portraying their hypocritical  view point of others.
 Exaggeration, Parody

Monday, October 31, 2011

Anh Do - Winner of Australian Literary Prize 2011

1.   Who did Anh’s father rescue from the concentration camp?
a)      His eldest son who would later become Young Australian of the Year
b)      His wife’s two brothers who had worked for the Australian military
c)       Two of the armed guards at the camp who were really employees of the Australian military and were in disguise.
2.  What was the length of the fishing boat in which they escaped and how many people were on it?
a)      40 metres long with 9 people
b)      9 metres long with 40 people
c)       20 metres long with 20 people
3.       What honour was Anh’s brother given in 2005?
a)      Australian Refugee of the Year
b)      Australian of the Year
c)       Young Australian of the Year
4.       What was the main lesson which Anh’s parents insisted that he learn after coming to Australia?
Do as much as you can for this country that gave us a second chance
5.       Why was Anh able to attend a prestigious school like St Aloyisius?
a)      He worked in a sweatshop to earn enough money to pay his fees
b)      He won a half scholarship
c)       St Aloyisius always takes in a certain number of refugees as part of their charity work
7.       Describe what he wore instead of the official sports uniform.
His mother would buy similar-looking clothes from the local St Vincent’s de Paul shop and sew on an Aloysius’ badge as well as picking up school books from there.
8.       True or false:
a)      His mother earned less than $7 an hour as a cleaner in a hotel.  T   or  F
b)      At school, Anh was the class clown and this was when he knew he had a future as a comedian.    T   or   F
c)       He was often punished at school with a strap.    T   or   F
d)      No-one at school knew at the time that Anh and his family were poor.  T   or   F
e)      Anh’s father left the family when Anh was growing up.   T   or  F
9.       What did Anh study at University?
a)      Fine Arts, majoring in Drama
b)      Law
c)       Pure Mathematics
10.   What did Anh do for his mother when he was only 23 years old?
a)      Gave her money for a holiday back in Vietnam
b)      Arranged for her to come and see his first public performance as a comedian
c)       Bought her a house
11.   How old was Anh at the time of this interview?
a)      30
b)      33
c)       40

13.   Was Anh the victim of racism as he grew up?
Yes he was a victim of racism growing up because he was an immigrant and struggled to speak English.
14.   Write ONE extra question which you would like Adam to have asked Anh, and what do you think the answer would have been?
I would ask him 'what is the most valuable thing and the thing that helped you the most'. I would expect the answer to be somewhere along the lines of his family and his mother but i am not sure about why other than the pressure (generally good) that was put on him to make good out of the families move to Australia

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Relative Advantages of Learning My Language

Why Does It Matter

The darkness of a death and the regret of what could have been is a key feeling that is forced upon the reader when reading the relative advantages of learning my language. 

The disconnection from a culture to fit in with the mainstream Australian society is the main 'theme' within the story. 'i didn't see the point in speaking chinese. We lived in Australia' furthers the way the Australian environment changes cultures and immigrants to be the english speaking society it is today. 

This disconnection is opposed and mended with the darkness of death of a family member which happens to everyone at some point in there life therefore making it relatable. The overshadowing of what could have been makes me, as the reader, feel guilty for the disrespect of lack of attention to that which i no longer have.The ability to communicate is the most simple of human desire, and the sparing way we use it is only foreshadowed by what could have been. The mutual feeling of 'not trying to discover my roots' but rather 'next time an elderly relative wants me to listen to them, i am not only willing, i am able. 

The sinister idea of death followed by the haunting feeling of regret is why someone should read this story. It opens up the mind to another place, a place of respect and living without the regret so prominent in the story.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Perfect Chinese Children

Read any story that we haven't read yet and write a review of the story and explain why it matters. Why should anyone care about the story/read it?

Perfect Chinese Children by Vanessa Woods

The author portrays the life of a mixed Australian Chinese family as they struggle to afford even school, resulting from immigration, interracial marriage and a anti-cultural divorce.

This story shows the separation from origins to environment. The description of change, from parental pressure to attitude, 'As time goes by, it becomes clear we are going the way of Australian Children'. This illustrates the impact that ones environment has on the influence of there ethics and the way that they perceive the world, rather that the stereotype that ethics is based and influenced by culture. It shows the way in which all First Generation/Immigrant children are linked within Australian society.

This also shows how the generational gaps of families with different cultural up brings splits the family. The quest of the mother for perfection and the stereotypical chinese child shows the pressure that forces the child apart from their family. 'It's shame. And she's not ashamed of me, she's ashamed of herself.' This quote shows that the pressure that is put on a child for a parent to have and feel a sense of accomplishment. This shows the link between all parents, not just Chinese parents.

This story shows and resembles a Chinese family going through a depressing time and the links between their life and the Australian experience. The result is that people feel like you owe your parents for everything they sacrifice for your education and leaves the reader feeling guilty, not for the story, but for the life that they take for granted. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Lessons from My School Years

1. There is a stark contrast created in the opening of this story between what the narrator had been doing before entering school and what will be expected at school?   What is this contrast and what does it immediately create in the story?  The contrast that is created at the beginning of the story is that which is juxtaposed with the true reality. The authors intensions and thoughts of school is to learn what he wants to learn when in reality it is to be obedient and to learn what is being taught. 
2. The author continues this theme of contrast at the start of the story. How does he do this in his description of his experience of Sydney’s North Shore? He describes the North Shore as being very different based on location. There is areas which are full of leafy green and solid brick houses which he doesn't like. His whole world revolves around this and the highway with is juxtaposed with the positives such as the library, the back lane and the park.
3. What was the father’s background in business before he opened the fruit shop? What has helped him become successful? The fathers background in business was non-existent, he had no background when he moved to Australia. To overcome this he used his personality and greeted all customer with a wide smile, asking them what they want and being very friendly and chatty.
4. The narrator’s description of his father is complex. What makes the father a complex character? The narrator's description of the father is very complex because the father has many different aspects about him. He is a happy, chatty, friendly man who strives to make people feel welcome in his shop. He also is a very hard diligent worker, having started a successful business in Australia with no english or business skills, and is very motivated as seen through the checking of account every night in order to make sure everything is good. This shows that he has many different character traits which make him a very complex person.
5. (91) How does the author describe his role in doing ‘things that counted’? His purpose within the family was to listen and watch what his siblings had to say about school in order to learn for himself what is acceptable and what isn't within schooling life. This to him was the only way of learning because he couldn't ask questions because they would be seen as insignificant. 
6. What experience does the author have at school while keeping to himself? What does he learn from this experience? The author experiences a bad situation at school by trying to keep to himself. He is centred out because of not only his difference is race (an asian in an australian environment) but because he keeps to himself and doesn't talk. He learns not to be afraid of the people around him but be nice and friendly.
7. How would you characterise the narrator’s tone in regards to the events that are occurring around him? The narrator would use a rather mono tone, that of a single note. He is seeing the world in one major way, that it is horrible. His expectations are very different to reality and this sets in a negative mood and a very one-sided view.
8. How does the narrator characterise the ways that one could ‘get the strap’ and ways that one could avoid it? The narrator characterises the way that one could 'get the strap' as being very easy to get and very hard to avoid it. Simple things that happen daily would get the strap such as mis-spelling a word in a spelling bee, getting an answer wrong, walking to fast or to slow, etc. There was very few ways to avoid the strap.
9. What event evokes a racist speech to the class by the teacher? The boy in the story could not swim and therefore, his sister wrote a note to excuse him from the swimming carnival. The teacher than reads it to the whole class, that stating "we all know these chinese people never contribute to anything".
10. What effect did the author’s experience with ‘Strap Happy Jack’ have on him? It made him think about the minority of the chinese people within the area and the fact that racist comments like "chinese people never contribute" not meaning much and having little effect on the population.
11. What was the one advantage school provided the author? One advantage that the author found was that as he went on through high school, some teachers noticed talents in him and one teacher for example told him that his test scores indicated a very valuable future for him.
12. What did the author do at his school? What was his motivation for doing it? What did he feel was lacking at school? The author started a workshop program, something that interested him and was something that he enjoyed. He was motivated to do something that he enjoyed (the motivation coming from interest that he set the boundaries for the program), and he felt that the school was lacking the ability for him to choose his own future.
13. What did the parents want their son to do at school? What did the author fear would happen by obeying his parents? The parents (mostly the mother) wanted their son to be a specific profession. The mother wanted her son to be a doctor, something that he feared and hated to do. She chose this because of her culture and her wanting of a doctor in the family. The author feared that he would end up having to follow a path that was based on the teachers decision, because he mother told him to learn what is begin taught and learn what you want after, which to him sounded like he would miss the opportunity to learn what he wants.
14. At school, what did the author learn about his own type of thinking and how to use it? He learn, by being at school, that his own type of thinking is very different to the next persons and that he has to follow his style in order to use it to its full potential.