Monday, October 31, 2011

Anh Do - Winner of Australian Literary Prize 2011

1.   Who did Anh’s father rescue from the concentration camp?
a)      His eldest son who would later become Young Australian of the Year
b)      His wife’s two brothers who had worked for the Australian military
c)       Two of the armed guards at the camp who were really employees of the Australian military and were in disguise.
2.  What was the length of the fishing boat in which they escaped and how many people were on it?
a)      40 metres long with 9 people
b)      9 metres long with 40 people
c)       20 metres long with 20 people
3.       What honour was Anh’s brother given in 2005?
a)      Australian Refugee of the Year
b)      Australian of the Year
c)       Young Australian of the Year
4.       What was the main lesson which Anh’s parents insisted that he learn after coming to Australia?
Do as much as you can for this country that gave us a second chance
5.       Why was Anh able to attend a prestigious school like St Aloyisius?
a)      He worked in a sweatshop to earn enough money to pay his fees
b)      He won a half scholarship
c)       St Aloyisius always takes in a certain number of refugees as part of their charity work
7.       Describe what he wore instead of the official sports uniform.
His mother would buy similar-looking clothes from the local St Vincent’s de Paul shop and sew on an Aloysius’ badge as well as picking up school books from there.
8.       True or false:
a)      His mother earned less than $7 an hour as a cleaner in a hotel.  T   or  F
b)      At school, Anh was the class clown and this was when he knew he had a future as a comedian.    T   or   F
c)       He was often punished at school with a strap.    T   or   F
d)      No-one at school knew at the time that Anh and his family were poor.  T   or   F
e)      Anh’s father left the family when Anh was growing up.   T   or  F
9.       What did Anh study at University?
a)      Fine Arts, majoring in Drama
b)      Law
c)       Pure Mathematics
10.   What did Anh do for his mother when he was only 23 years old?
a)      Gave her money for a holiday back in Vietnam
b)      Arranged for her to come and see his first public performance as a comedian
c)       Bought her a house
11.   How old was Anh at the time of this interview?
a)      30
b)      33
c)       40

13.   Was Anh the victim of racism as he grew up?
Yes he was a victim of racism growing up because he was an immigrant and struggled to speak English.
14.   Write ONE extra question which you would like Adam to have asked Anh, and what do you think the answer would have been?
I would ask him 'what is the most valuable thing and the thing that helped you the most'. I would expect the answer to be somewhere along the lines of his family and his mother but i am not sure about why other than the pressure (generally good) that was put on him to make good out of the families move to Australia

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