Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Perfect Chinese Children

Read any story that we haven't read yet and write a review of the story and explain why it matters. Why should anyone care about the story/read it?

Perfect Chinese Children by Vanessa Woods

The author portrays the life of a mixed Australian Chinese family as they struggle to afford even school, resulting from immigration, interracial marriage and a anti-cultural divorce.

This story shows the separation from origins to environment. The description of change, from parental pressure to attitude, 'As time goes by, it becomes clear we are going the way of Australian Children'. This illustrates the impact that ones environment has on the influence of there ethics and the way that they perceive the world, rather that the stereotype that ethics is based and influenced by culture. It shows the way in which all First Generation/Immigrant children are linked within Australian society.

This also shows how the generational gaps of families with different cultural up brings splits the family. The quest of the mother for perfection and the stereotypical chinese child shows the pressure that forces the child apart from their family. 'It's shame. And she's not ashamed of me, she's ashamed of herself.' This quote shows that the pressure that is put on a child for a parent to have and feel a sense of accomplishment. This shows the link between all parents, not just Chinese parents.

This story shows and resembles a Chinese family going through a depressing time and the links between their life and the Australian experience. The result is that people feel like you owe your parents for everything they sacrifice for your education and leaves the reader feeling guilty, not for the story, but for the life that they take for granted. 

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