Thursday, September 1, 2011

Chapter 11 and 12 - TBITSP

What are the main themes of the novel so far?
There are several themes within the novel so far but there are only a few main themes. These themes include: the cruelty of the Germans to the Jews, the Holocaust experience, 
What are the main techniques?
Juxtaposition, dramatic irony (also dark), 
Think of 5 important questions for each of these two chapters about how important motifs and themes play a role in each chapter.

Chapter 11
  • How does dramatic irony play an important role in this chapter (seen through the short phases towards the end of the chapter)
  • What is the use of juxtaposition in this chapter between the mothers reaction and fathers reaction
  • What is the use of juxtaposition between Gretels and Bruno's reaction to the 'Fury' and 'Her'
  • What is the technique used between 'the Fury' and 'Her' manners and how they act
  • What imagery is used in the describing of 'Her' (Eva)
Chapter 12
  • How is Bruno's seen less innocent in this chapter
  • What is an example of juxtaposition in the chapter and why is it used
  • Why do you think Bruno sees past the facts in front of him (i.e. Shmuel catching the overcrowded train, how the guards treat Shmuel and his 'kind')
  • Why do you think Shmuel was hesitant to asking the question 'do you have any food?'
  • Do you think Bruno honestly feels that he is equal done wrong by as Shmuel

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