Sunday, September 4, 2011

Daniel - Holocaust Poem

How is juxtaposition used in this poem to highlight an important them of Holocaust literature? The use of juxtaposition between the two people, the woman and the eight year old woman, to illustrate the two different status of people, one young and one old. This also shows the perspective of the boy and how the woman tries everything to protect him, innocence and compassion respectively. Innocence is a important and common theme in the holocaust genre and is often seen in the children who have 'built a barrier'. The boy within the story innocence comes from his view of the world ''he explained new events to her, that funny doggy, that pretty rock," and the woman's compassion comes from the way she describes the boy ''She vividly hears that little heartbeat, that was hers, always hers''.
How is descriptive language used to enhance the reader's reaction to the poem?
By using descriptive language within the poem the poem is enhanced and given more of a chance to connect with the reader. It also shows the compassion and innocence of the woman and boy respectively within the Jews and there ability to try and be happy even during dark times. It adds another element to the Holocaust genre and experience.

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