Sunday, March 6, 2011

Assessment Task Speech Notes

  1. Becoming an organ donor -
            • Help those in need
            • Save a life 
            • You know how it is to lose a loved one and you can help them
            • Make a small part of the person live on 
            • Some one can have a longer life
            • Although they can get a bit cut up there will still be some remaining 
            • good option if you were going to get your loved one cremated.
  2. Equality - 
            •  Ideal not reality
            • Some people still not getting a vote
            • Women still treated lesser than men
            • Countries have more money than others
            • Some countries don't have enough money to help there citizens
            • People are have different amount of money and can survive better
            • Some people can't afford basic necessities.
  3. Primary School Children - 
            • They shouldn't be allowed in online chat rooms
            • They are immature
            • They have no need for it 
            • They develop less social skills
            • They don't get used to speaking to someone
            • Better to ring and speak than use I.M.
            • Younger ages being introducd to online IM and chatrooms
            • Can be some older people pretending to be younger
            • Not enough information about online predators


  1. Awesome, your's is awesome but I think that primary kid's should have it as it makes them new friend's

  2. I think that all the subjects you have chosen were pretty good. From primary kids to Equality and organ donors. Overall all of these subjects have a detailed restriction and relate to the subject very well.

  3. i believe that for the second brainstorming idea, that Adam is right. he is saying that we are more equal than in the past,although we are still a long way from being completely equal as we are not equal, some people are not being given the right to vote, some people are not even able to speak what they believe because of where they live. some countries are wealthy, others are so poor they cannot afford clean drinking water. many people do believe that we are on our way to becoming an equal world, but the reality is that if we are wanting to be equal, then we are all going to have to do something, we are no where near becoming equal, and i think that adam has got this. good job :)
    i agree with adam in saying it isnt realistic.

  4. although i believe you probably chose the three most boring topics possible!!

  5. The topics you have chosen are diverse and are a good variety. Each topic is set out well with many points for each topic. These topics could easily be expanded to make a 4 minute speech. Good work Adam :D !!

  6. I believe that you have many important points for each of your topics and all of them could be made into very interesting speeches. Nice work :)I also think that I cannot oppose to any of the topics that you have chosen because each of your points are very good and that opposing all of these ideas would be silly.
