Tuesday, March 1, 2011

NZ earthquake vs NY fashion week

Recently there has been an earthquake in New Zealand, which was a travesty. Coming up in New York is a fashion festival which is a highlight in the fashion industry. These two events are quite different. Some people think that the fashion festival is unnecessary for the masses amount of money spent on the fashion festival could be used to help the victims of the 2011 New Zealand earthquake. I am someone that strongly agrees with this issue. The money could help the victims and there are other fashion shows.

A fashion festival can't be cheap and all the time, costs and effort could be used to help the victims of the NZ floods. There would be a lot of people involved in the organised and the amount of effort could be translated to helping those who are in need. A fashion festival is less important then peoples wellbeing.

Sacrificing one fashion show wouldn't be devastating, but not helping those in need can be life threatening. A fashion week is a want; people getting help and support after a travesty is a need. Therefore people need to sacrifice a minor event to help those in need.

For these reasons I strongly believe that the New York Fashion Festival should be cancelled and all the money that would be spent on the festival to go to the New Zealand earthquake victims.

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