Monday, March 7, 2011

Draft of Equality in Education

There was once a man, one that we now follow in the footsteps of, Hugh Jackman who was school captain of Knox. He has made it big in Hollywood thanks to the Knox drama department, a drama department with a high standard of teaching. Everyone starts somewhere and he started at Knox. He learnt all of his fundamentals of acting here and with the help of the facilities he made it big.

Education is the most important point of anybody's life. Equality in Education, is it a reality, or is it an ideal? I strongly believe it is an ideal for many reasons in which I will address. These reasons include the different types of education, costs of the schools, inequality on different levels, and post-education. 

They are two main types of education public school and private school. Typically private schools offer a high standard of education with smaller student to teacher ratios, maximum 28 per class – often less than this, while in public schools teachers are regularly having to cope with student numbers well in excess of 30 per class. This smaller ratio is important as it means the teachers are able to spend more time with quality teaching rather than dealing with the behavioral issues that are likely to arise in an overcrowded classroom. The teachers are also more easily able to discover which children need extra attention and they are able to devote more individual attention to the students who need it most.

Another factor that impacts on the education of an private school student is the facilities that are offered at the school. Many private schools have extensive facilities that help students to develop both mentally and physically. The high fees the parents are charged of course pay for these facilities. Many parents choose to send their children to a private school because they see the inequality in the school system and feel it is worth it to sacrifice the money on a private school. In reverse, some parents have the money to send their children to private school but feel that the extra money isn’t worth it and send there children to an public school in which they are helping fund through taxes. In comparison public school students while having lower fees often have less facilities available. They do not have the extensive libraries, expansive playing fields and expensive gymnasiums that challenge the students mind and bodies that the private schools provide.

However I feel that there is not just inequality between public and private schools, but there is also inequality between public schools and other public schools. A public school in a wealthy area could offer a higher standard of education than a public school in a less socio-economic advantaged area could offer. From the “MySchool” website I got the statistic that once all the student expenses are paid $2,448,419 is left over at Killara High while $1,344,595 is left over at Blacktown Boys High. Therefore, even between public schools there is inequality because $1,103,924 is being spent more on extras like facilities and programs all because an area in which someone lives in. The same is true between the various private schools. The socio-economic status impacts heavily on the inequality.

Stereotypically people with an education from a private school are likely to get a better job and earn more money as research suggests they are more likely to attend and complete university. People who go to a public school that has a poor quality of education will most likely end up with a low paying job. They will then send there children to the same or similar public school because they can not afford a better education and have a low income thus continuing inequality. Surely this suggests that the inequality between schools needs to be addressed. 

Now is the time for change! Now is the time the government should be stepping in and taking action. Now is the time that all children deserve a quality education including smaller class sizes and room to move in. Now is the time to invest more into our school system so the all students can receive the same high standard of education.  Now is the time for the students who are being shortchanged to have their needs met. Now is the time!


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