Tuesday, August 2, 2011


  1. Colour - The use of mainly on shade (ie. black, grey, white) shows the absence of happiness and life within the walls as well as the uniformity of those within the camp. The only bit of colour is a boring brown which adds to the felling of sadness for it is a dull colour.
  2. The shapes - All the square shapes and straight lines show that the seriousness and the effort that went into the camps as well as the fact that it is still there 65 years later. The uniformity of all the squares shows how strict the camp was and how it was to follow on set pattern.
  3. Vanishing Point - The straight barb wire fence that seems to go on forever show how big the murder was within this camp as well as the fact that the fence is containing the people like farm animals.
  4. Sun - The sun is shining on the outside area of the camp which show how sad being inside was, having no sun which is symbolic for happiness
  5. Guard Tower - The focal point of the picture which adds the the theme of 'farm animals' and that they needed to be watched. This also by being portrayed as far away and being the same height as the building on the inside it shows the superiority of the tower and whoever possess the tower.

This picture also the sadness of the whole Holocaust experience through its visual techniques

  1. Perspective - The way that the fence support is larger than the building shows how the outside is more superior to the inside and that the uniform is beneath the fence which traps it.
  2. Shapes - The straight lines and very ridged shapes shows the control of the camp and the seriousness of the camp. 
  3. Colour - The dark colours as well as the boring shades of green and blue are showing the sadness and the fact that there was not even a bit of self expression and that they were forced into uniformity and anguish.
  4. Light - There is a dark grey sky hovering over the trapped building and a light shining over the fence on the freedom and outside area of Auschwitz

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