Sunday, August 7, 2011

Chapter 2 Questions - Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

  • Using quotes, how is the new house described?
The new house is described as 'the exact opposite of their old house'. The new house is in an isolated location and is only 3 stories (1 for the servants) as opposed to his old house with 5 floors for his family.

  • How does it compare to the house in Berlin? How is this an example of juxtaposition?
The house is a lot smaller and in Bruno's eyes is worse because he has no view, nobody to play with and also has no houses around it. This is an example of juxtaposition because they are completely opposite but show what rich families lived in during the war and the type of housing in Berlin during war time. One house is needed to give extra information about the other.

  • How is Bruno's reaction and discussion of the new house taken by the other characters? What is ironic about the way people treat Bruno's comments regarding the new house?
Bruno's reaction is taken negatively by the other characters which is ironic because they also hate the house but tell him to 'make the best of a bad situation'. Everyone is telling him to be happy about the house but he is sad.

  • Do you feel empathetic towards Bruno's new home? Why/why not?
I do feel empathy for Bruno and his new house because he is a small boy and he does not understand the situation at hand and the fact that he got so much joy out of the old house makes his case sadder and make him see more like a victim and innocent.

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