Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hitler at a Nazi Rally

    • How are vectors used in this image? What effect does it have?
    The vector lines are very ridged and very staright which makes the picture very balanced. It has a major effect on the picture because it makes it very uniform and very serious. This could not be achieved with out the vector lines. Also it leads you right to the focal point which is Hitler. There is also the lines of the crowd which seem to be endless and show his support.
    • Describe the composition of the image and what is tells us about the Nazis and Hitler.
    Hitler is the centre focal point of the image and has equal amounts of Nazis on each side of him. Even though the number of Nazi (possible in the 10 000) out numbers the single man Hitler, he still has a sense of power because he is in the foreground whilst the supports are in the background. This is also portrayed through the way that the soldiers are standing in comparison to Hitler and that they are facing away from him which shows again the power that Hitler has. Hitler is also 'ascending' into power which is seen walking up the stairs.
    • How is symmetry used? What effect does it have?
    Symmetry is used within this picture in the balance of the number of Nazis on either side of the focal point Hitler. It has a major effect on the picture because it makes it seem more serious and more uniform. We also learn from this picture that the Nazis are very formal and uniform and that they are pawns within Hitlers grasp. It accents the focal point, Hitler.
    • What effect does this picture being in black and white have?
    By making the picture black and white it makes the picture more dark and less 'fun'. This shows how stern they Nazis were and how they showed little emotion. This also shows how they like to take the 'fun' from people and let them suffer in the dark with no colour and no emotion. This further portrays them as 'bad' people. It makes the situation more serious and shows how unforgiving and ruthless the Nazis are. It also shows the white public which shows that they are looking are salvation and the Soldiers are evil as seen through the dark colour, black.

    • Discuss the use of line in this image. What effect does it have?
    The Nazis are very powerful as seen thorough the lines and the way they are standing which is in contrast to the crowd with all the circles and softness. This idea of the straight banner show that they are serious. The idea of the straight lines in its simplest form is power.

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