Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Chapter 6 Questions - TBITSP

  • On pg 60 Bruno reveals a radical shift in his perspective and understanding of Maria. What is this radical shift? What does this show is developing in Bruno? The radical shift in Bruno's perspective of Maria is developed by a main idea, him realising that she is a human. The first of the two ideas is that Bruno realises that Maria is just like him, a person with feelings and thoughts. This makes Bruno be more sensitive to Maria and not treat her poorly just because she works for him and his family. He also realises that she must miss the old house in Berlin as much as he did as well as missing friends and the garden.
  • Compare how Bruno and Gretel treat Maria. Bruno treats Maria very well in comparison to Gretel who treats her is a very negative way. Bruno thinks of Maria as a person and treats her accordingly with nice talk and being polite to her. This is because Bruno realises that she isn't just there maid and that she has feelings as well. Gretel however, treats her very poorly and talks to her rudely because she sees her as a petty maid that is her slave. She also is very rude to her and is rarely polite.
  • (pg 65) What is Maria's advice to Bruno about 'keeping safe'? Why do you think that she gives this advice? Do you think that it is good or bad advice? Maria gives some advice to Bruno to 'keep safe' by telling him to 'Just keep quite about it, Bruno. Don't you know how much trouble you could cause'. This shows that Maria wants the best for Bruno and that she wants him to be safe as seen through the fact that she, who is meant to be there 'slave', is giving him advice. I think that it is good advice for Bruno because it shows that he needs to be good and it is a good foundation for principals about respecting elders and there decisions.
  • (65-6) What is Bruno's reaction to his new thoughts/feelings? Why do you think that he reacts this way? He is shocked to find out Maria's opinion of father because it is such a positive opinion of him and he is so rude to her. Maria is so thankful for all that Bruno's father has done, such as give her a job and pay for her mothers medical expenses and funeral, and feels that she must be compassionate towards him and is thankful for all he does. Bruno is shocked at this because the only memories that he had of his father and Maria's interaction has always been negative and reacts accordingly, stunned.

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