Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Chapter 3 Questions - TBITSP

    Describe how Bruno and Gretel's relationship is introduced in the chapter.
The relationship in this chapter is introduced as very bad and that they hate each other. This is because Gretel is older and she also has some friends that Bruno describes as a 'monster'.
    List quotes that show how the new house is described.
There is more detail in this chapter about the new house that they are staying in. It is seen as a badly built and unsteady house 'jumping around this house too often or it might collapse' which shows Bruno's point of view or the house and how it sees poorly built to him.
    It was very hollow and he decided that he better not go jumping around this house too often or it might collapse around their ears. What is the significance of this quote?
This is a significant quote because it is an insight into Bruno and his view of the house. It shows that he is so paranoid about this house that jumping around my do enough to take it down. It also shows his innocence because he thinks the house can come falling down and cover him up to his 'ears' which is a rather child like analogy. 
    What is Bruno's reaction to the new house?
Bruno's reaction to his new house is negative and that of a spoilt child. He thinks it is too small, boring and generally bad. He thinks it is small because it is smaller in comparison to his old house. The boring perspective comes from uniformity of his house; no places with in the house to explore. Over all his view of the house is bad because it does not compare to his old house
    How does it compare to their old house?
The new house does not live up to his expectations in comparison to his old house. His new house is smaller in several aspects including the amount of stories, the room sizes and the fact that there is no places to explore. It is also a lot more boring to live in because it is in an isolated location and there is no one to play with and no city centre to watch the people laughing and smell the fresh vegetables.
    How does Gretel relate to her father?
Gretel really admires her father and sees him in a very vague way. She thinks he can do no wrong and that he is always right which is the same as her because she always think she is right and never wrong which annoys Bruno.
    Does Bruno understand where they are? What makes you believe this?
I believe that Bruno doesn't understand where they are because he doesn't understand the name which Gretel tells him that the house is called 'Out-With' and that he is perplexed by position where the house is located; not begin around other people.
    Does Gretel understand where they are? Explain.
Gretel's only knowledge of where they are is that they are at 'Out-With'. This, like Bruno, confuses her and she is not sure about here location.
    How is Bruno's description of 'Out-with' represent a motif? What is darkly ironic about this?
The use of 'Out-with' represents the motif of Bruno's and enhances the innocence of a child during the holocaust because 'Out-with' is actually the concentration camp 'Auschwitz'. This is very dark irony because he does not understand the mass killing that is going on and that his father is causing it.
    Read pgs 27-29. How are Bruno's and Gretel's reaction to 'the children' Bruno sees through the window different? What does this tell us about these two characters and their perception/understanding of where they are?
Bruno's reaction to the children is that of sympathy for them because he says that they are looking sound. Gretel's view however is different, when Bruno mentions them she is sacred but also shocked to find out that there is other children and wants to investigate into the situation She also is sacred to find out when she gets to the window. This tells us that they both are unsure of where they are but because of different reasons.

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