Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bruno's Voice, introduction of characters, and victims

Describe Bruno's voice. Give examples to support. 
 Bruno's voice is very small within his family although is allowed to have a small opinion on matters which in most cases wasn't taken into account as seen where he is to give up his 3 best friends to move with his family Bruno: 'Say goodbye to Karl and Daniel and Martin? .... But they're my three best friends for life' Mother: 'Oh you'll make other friends' . He has been told to be very polite when speaking. He talks like his two parents, either polite like his mother or demanding like his father.
What characters are introduced? Describe each and give examples to support.
The characters that have been introduced are:

  • Bruno: a small boy who is brought up to brought up to be polite and kind and has a scene of innocence about him.
  • Maria: the families maid who is very quite and takes care of all the house cleaning within the house. She feels she is beneath the family and in a lower class.
  • Mother: Bruno's mother who brought Bruno up to be polite and is strict about being polite. She is tall and has red hair which leads to compassion.
  • Father: Not much is known about him other that he is important and 'the Fury' has great things planned for him. He is very demanding and is seen in a derogatory way. He is the main driving force within the story. He is not family-orientated.
Who are presented as victims in this chapter and what are the victims of? Do you think that it is fair to consider them victims?

The present victim within the chapter is Bruno because he is being forced to move away from his friends because his father needs to move to a new job. He is really sad over this because he has to move away from his 3 life friends - Karl, Daniel and Martin. His mother is also a victim because she has to power over the decisions that are made - lacking free will.

Irony is an important element of the story. How is it used here in the first chapter? Give examples to support your answer.

Irony is used within the first chapter by Bruno beginning annoyed that his family has to move because of his fathers job even though that Bruno has no idea what his dad's job is. Bruno is innocence and ignorant and the reader knows more about the situation than him making dramatic irony. The two people who are take part in causing mass slaughter feel bad about their situation. We also know about Hitlers presence and Bruno's mix up with 'the Fury' and 'Der Fueherer'.

How is the setting presented in this chapter?

The setting is portrayed as a happy, large house in Berlin which is home to a rich family who has a maid. You can look out a window and see the whole of Berlin. However, the family is getting ready to pack and move from this house. In such a grand house, there is so many areas where he isn't allowed as well as the simplest thing (the banister) is so important even more important than all of his luxuries.

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