Monday, August 29, 2011

Chapter 9 Questions - TBITSP

  • How is Lt Kotler portrayed? Why is he portrayed this way? (remember that 'how' is asking about literary techniques) Lt Kotler is now portrayed in a very different way to the other chapters. He acts similar to Bruno's original thoughts of what he is like which is seen in the quote 'strode around in his black boots as if there was no one in the whole world of any more importance than him'. This similar also shows the ignorance and arrogance of Lt Kotler as a character.
  • What is Herr Liszt going to 'change' for Bruno? Herr Liszt is going to change the way that Bruno sees the world around him and rather than Bruno having a fiction sence of things he wants him to have a more literal sense of the world around him by teaching him about Germany and History of it.
  • What connection does Bruno make between the people in the camp and the people that come and visit his house all the time? Bruno realises that they are wearing the same pyjamas as some of the families slaves such as Pavel. He also notices that his father treats the two groups of people (i.e. the soldiers and the 'farmers') very differently. He treats the soldiers very formally and always invites them in as opposed to the 'farmers' who he treats poorly and with disrespect.
  • What some of the things that Bruno begins to take notice of regarding the relationship between the soldiers and the people in 'pyjamas'? Bruno begins to notice a very peculiar fact about the soldiers and how they act towards them. They seem to be in charge of all the people in pyjamas because they are leading them around and yelling at them. They are also very mean to them and treat them like scum.

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